We often read and hear about healthy food; however, I want to introduce you all to a novel concept of healthy cooking. Healthy Cooking is preparing food so that it not only nourishes the body, but it also supports the health of the mind and the soul. When the ingredients of a dish are mindfully selected, cooked, and served, it nurtures and heals us. The healthiest food, if not cooked and served with love and caring, does not serve the purpose of healing or maintaining health.

We are what we eat as the food that we eat is incorporated into our being. I am reminded of the famous quote “If you don’t eat your food as medicines, you’ll end up taking medicines like food.” If our food is not chosen correctly and we do not make our food our medicine, it will not strengthen and protect us.  Although, the recipes shared with you on this website are intended to be your medicine, they do not taste like medicine. They are delicious and filled with the intention and nutrients needed to fortify your body, mind, and soul.

The concept of Healthy cooking also focuses on selecting permissible and deselecting non-permissible food combinations. In addition to individual needs, age, it may also vary per season, days closer to full moon or no moon cycle of the month, body types as defined in Ayurveda, geography, situation, and other myriad factors.

We want to impress the value of eating home cooked food and how easily it can be prepared with some coaching. Cooking should be tailored to the needs of all the family members, and their health and not to just please the taste buds alone. The true purpose of cooking and eating is healing and nurturing.