What is Wellness?

“Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – The World
Health Organization.

Why Wellness?

For survival. If you do not have your health, no matter how much wealth, luxury and education you may have, you cannot enjoy anything.

Where is the proof?

Proof is in the pudding. Try it out without being healthy.

Who should achieve it?

Everyone that is breathing/living

When should we achieve Wellness?

Throughout our lives……from birth…to….death…………….not only when we get old and diseased.

Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process, shaped by both the evolution of
health care knowledge and practices as well as personal strategies and organized interventions for staying healthy

When we talk about wellness

we usually think of the “Physical” body and sometimes the “Mental” body. We do not talk about the soul

because wellness managers or traditional medical doctors do not talk about it. They do not talk about it as they were not
taught about it and have not perceived the soul. Frequently the initial learning is from the dead bodies.

Why are we not healed when there are so many doctors?

Doctors and allied health practitioners were supposed to understand the dis-ease in an individual and end the suffering, but the
suffering has not ended, and it frequently keeps coming back in many different forms. So, the real culprit behind the scenes must be something/someone else or our own lack of understanding of the dis-eases. Frequently only the symptoms are treated as the
real understanding of the science and art of healing may be unknown to the practitioner.

How do we achieve Wellness?

  • A Healthy Diet in moderation

  • Moderate Exercise
  • Adequate Rest
  • Balanced life
  • Mental and Emotional control
  • Avoidance of exposure to harmful substances eg. alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.
  • Removal of Toxic waste from the body and improving the immunity
  • Meditation
  • Inner peace

How do we heal faster and easier?

In one sentence if you want to know how to heal yourself then

Fix your breathing and you will achieve your goal of optimal health.

This sounds easy but needs some practice. To fix the breathing, body, mind, and emotions must be in a healthy state with healthy habits.

This also means that when we control our mind and tongue, we achieve wellness

as not only breathing will get fixed but also most of the troubles we face may disappear.

What we think, and how we act as well as what we speak and what we allow to go through our body over the tongue will also decide how well we live.

There is a need for Simplification

When we talk about simplifying something, means, somewhere in the process that “something” must have become more complex, which
is either taking more time or more thinking or using up more energy to fix it and eventually making it not sustainable.

For good health, you need good habits like eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, enough rest, cleansing and detoxifying your
body and adding nutritional supplements for protection against diseases.